DaVinci Resolve Forum

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This is the place to discus everything about the free video editing software DaVinci Resolve. Members help other members. Reserve your preferred username before someone else takes it.

Announcement We are officially online now!


Founder DVRF
Dear members,

first let me thank you that so many of you already registered here. This helps a lot to start a new community. Some even started already discussions about DaVinci Resolve :)

We are officially online now! :z04-carrot:

We are at the moment around 45 members, which is great for the launch. Please support each other and help each other. Share your experience, do not hesitate to ask questions. We can only offer you this community platform. Use it to your own advantage. Help each other. :z04-bier01:

Please also recommend us to other DaVinci Resolve users, no matter where you meet them. :spread-the-news:

Word of mouth is the best way to attract more members. :tell-your-friends:

Enjoy the new and modern forum! :z04-smiliebath:

Your DVRF Team