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This is the place to discus everything about the free video editing software DaVinci Resolve. Members help other members. Reserve your preferred username before someone else takes it.
Just the other day I downloaded for the first time da Vinci Resolve version 19. What I’m interested in doing is synchronizing the audio recorded with my zoom H5 with the audio and video of my iPhone 13. In your list of necessary computer components, do I need “
It looks like you'd only need that if you use an external monitor connected with something called an SDI cable, if you're just using HDMI then I think you're fine without that. (
I hope my post in your other thread helped. What kind of PC do you have and what are the specs? Unless it's a really basic model I think you should be fine with your intended purposes. Again I'm not the PC expert here but I'll try to help as best as I can.