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How to change track in timeline that is played back


New Member
(Relative novice user question) I created a timeline with clips from 8 cameras and managed to align them via audio, even though some used time codes and some did not. (I had to do this manually as the Auto Align Clips control was disabled.) After doing this, only the last track added will display in the playback window, except when it had no content, and some other clip would display. This happens regardless of which track is selected on the track header. In case it matters, most of the tracks contain a sequence of clips, not just one per track, and not all of them overlap at the ends. I tried quitting Da Vinci and restarting it after quitting browsers and other programs using lots of memory, but this made no difference. Has anyone seen this before, and is there a remedy? Thanks.
Got help from a friend and found out that the playback viewer displays the track closest to the top which is not disabled. I'm fine with deleting this thread unless it would help someone else.
8 multicam clips? Sheesh that must've taken some time to sync manually, it's tough enough with just 2 haha. Yes, when stacked on multiple tracks, DVR will only display the top most video clip, I'm pretty sure all editing programs work like this. It makes it easier to add B Roll. Anyway, glad you found your answer. It is weird that your auto align clips was disabled, I don't know why it would be, it usually works pretty well with waveform sync and saves a ton of time.