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Multicam edtiting with timecode.


New Member
Hello all;
I’m trying to learn how to edit 2 or 3 different camera angles into a smooth, seamless video, using gopro cameras that sync with a timecode in Davinci Resolve version 19.

I’ve watched several tutorials and here’s how far I’ve gotten:

I have the multicam clip created from two cameras and have created the multicam timeline.
I have the two screens where the left is supposed to have the different camera angles displayed, and the right is supposed to be the video. However, I only see one camera angle on the left screen, angle 2 is blank.
I managed to do this once before and it came out well, but I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong this time.

I am brand new to video editing and any help will be appreciated.

Thanks; Steve
Off the top of my head I remember the way I go them to appear was going into the Cut Page and clicking on the sync clips icon at the top left, it's the two arrows that form a circle to the left of the relink media button. You then follow the steps in the window to link the clips together as multicam.
You can then switch to the Edit Page and edit multicam there. Does that help at all or did you already do that step?
sure thing, be aware you can also sync them in DVR using the wave forms of the muticam clips' audio tracks. Unless there is a lot of reverb in one of the audio tracks DVR does a very good job of syncing them. It's very easy to do using that sync button on the Cut Page.